Cross stitch patterns for everyone
Welcome to Climbing Goat Designs! It's so lovely to have you here. Whether you are completely new to cross stitch or have been stitching for many years, there are patterns and kits which will suit you here. I hope you enjoy looking round, and if you'd like to stay in touch, please sign up to my newsletter. If you're on Facebook we'd love to have you in our busy and friendly Facebook group too. Happy stitching!

Animals Tree of Life Stitchalong
The 2025 Animals Tree of Life Stitchalong is an amazing journey through the whole of the animal kingdom.
Mythical Creatures: A Field Guide
2025's fantasy stitchalong is Mythical Creatures: A Field Guide! This stitchalong has a new Mythical Creature to enjoy each month.

Rainbow Temperature Night Sky
I have an extensive range of temperature patterns - here are just a few of them!
The Rainbow Temperature Night Sky patterns include six different views of the Earth so you can stitch for your part of the world. It comes in maximum temperatures only and maximum and minimum temperatures versions.
Temperature Forest Friends
This cute woodland pattern features all your favourite forest friends! It is available in both maximum temperatures only and maximum and minimum temperatures versions.

New Moon Phases patterns for 2025
The Moon Phases patterns are my only temperature patterns which are for one year only. 2025 editions of these patterns are now available, and the 2024 patterns are still for sale as well. Both years come in maximum temperatures only and maximum and minimum temperatures versions.
Wonders of the James Webb Space Telescope
Stitch an adventure travelling through incredible discoveries across the Universe

Dragons: A Field Guide
Everything you'll ever need to know to spot dragons in the wild! This is the companion piece to the 2025 Mythical Creatures: A Field Guide Stitchalong

New bookmark patterns
I enjoyed making my first bookmark patterns - this Dragon one and a Bunnies one!